Friday, November 30, 2007

Information on the Blackberry 9000 series

The Boy Genius Report which has been chirping a lot about a rumored 9000 series from RIM has finally gotten some substantiated information. And it is juicy. Sporting an iPhone like 480 x 320 screen it seems that there won't be the keypad that has made Blackberries a staple of the business community. It seems a bit odd that Research In Motion would take such a drastic route, but who cares this thing looks amazing.

Aside from the massive screen the 9000 series is expected to have it also is going to have an Intel processor that clocks in a bit faster than the iPhone. Two of the most important feautures also include WiFi and GPS. One feauture BGR didn't seem to know about was if the Blackberry OS would be drastically revamped, which it seems it would have to be given the size of the screen. With the possibility of a 3.2 megapixel camera we want one, yesterday.

Check out the full report BGR has been waiting all year to break.

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